Thursday, May 20, 2010

BBQ with a beer brewing contest!!!

BBQ & Beer-brewing contest
102 Taine Mountain Road, Burlington, CT 06013.
May 22nd from 1-4pm at Dr. Belniak's house (Mary's Dad).

There will be:
HOME-BREWED beer to taste and judge
baked goods

Generally, it will be awesome, so please come and support the Coast to Coasters! Since this is at someone's home, we just ask that you buy a ticket from us ahead of time so we know how many are coming. There are a limited number we can sell, so contact us ASAP!

Tickets are $15, and can be bought at breaks between classes from Loreen, Alex O, Stacy, or Arturo. If you want to come, send an e-mail to to reserve a spot!!!

Loreen, Stacy, Alex O, and Arturo


Clarke Nelson's Explosion Ale
It's is a Brown Porter Ale that's as smooth as silk. This batch blew the airlock on the carboy and splattered all over the ceiling.

Steve and Jared's Old Castle
It's a nut brown ale with a nice maltiness and some flavors of brown sugar.

Talcott Glen Brewing Company's (Isaac and Russ') Snake Mountain Hefeweizen (Bavarian Hefeweizen) We could spout off phrases like, "lingering wheat aroma", "strong head", and "hint of orange". We could talk about the yeast imported from Germany. We could tell you how good our beer is. Or, you can just drink it and enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Class-wide Fundraiser / Update

Since the Coast to Coast fundraiser benefits the entire UCONN community, there is now a fundraiser for our entire class. We have decided to divide the class into 13 teams, and with a little bit of healthy competition, we will reward the team that raises the most amount of money (per person on the team so that there's no advantage for having a larger team). Also, the four top individual fundraisers in our class will have dinner with Dr. Laurencin wherever you want to go. More prizes will be announced... we promise!

We all appreciate your support guys!!!

Also, one of our Coast to Coast riders, Arturo Montano, wrote an entire puppet opera, "The Farflung Empire of the Soul" (including music with accompaniment and script). It was amazing, and with help from a bake sale featuring UCONN bakers, it was a huge success.